Saturday, March 12, 2011

A force unto themselves

So....I think a lot of us have the same fears. One of them, and I may be completely wrong, is that we worry about our kids. Not always for their safety, but for their decisions. It's that tumultuous middle-groud and untouchable area where they have to make their own decisions at some point and we have to simply watch. For me, that is probably one of the hardest parts of watch what I know is a bad decision and have to let them learn.

On the other hand, what an amazing pay off it is to see them when they make good decisions! I watch my kids day in and day out become just amazing little (and I guess big in a couple of the cases) people. I am in awe of the friends that they make and the decisions that they make just know what is right and wrong.

One of the great pay offs was Last September. Ethan decided to be baptized. The thing is, I haven't been in the best place in the last couple of years. Not physically mind you...the physical is so much better than it ever was before! But the rest...just not good. And so I got out of it. I pulled myself up by my bootstraps per say and set my sights forward. The risk of it was ultimately my kids. But here they ultimate examples to me.

So, life comes full circle. And these little people that once depended on me for everything to survive have survived...and I guess I depended on them for a while. At the end we are a team and we made it and Ethan and the rest of them are happy...and an incredible force unto themselves.

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