Monday, May 10, 2010

The beginning of the bucket list accomplishments...

I may have to reflect on the remainder of my bucket list goals after this one...and yet at the same time, I may just leave it the way it is. Afterall, we made memories and I DID it, so in the long run I have no complaints :-)

I took the boys camping. Talked to them about it several weeks ago and they never let me forget it! And I wanted to say I did it myself. The week came that we had planned birthday weekend to boot! I bought the trashy food, dug out sleeping bags and coolers, and set to packing it in (and on!!!) the car. Every inch was stuffed and I had loads of stuff strapped to the roof.

The 5 kids, 3 dogs and I headed north only to watch the thermostat quickly lower the farther north I drove. We were sitting about 44 degrees as we found our campsite and were setting up tents. As the flurries of snow started, I was doing my best to maintain composure and the warrior status I know I possess deep, deep down! Every kid pitched in...Garrett set up tents, Cole started the fire, Ethan and Wade were eagerly finding sticks to fuel the fire and Blake was jumping from job to job. By 8:15, we were all in the tent (which, despite the fact that 4 tents were set up, my small 4-man tent ended up with 4 kids, 2 dogs and myself) telling stories and giggling until we fell asleep.
The next day was great! We played jai alai and frisbee, ate terrible food, and were excited when my Ben and his kids arrived. S'mores, brownies, fruit snack, hot dogs, oh my! Then the next morning came...and so did the SNOW!!!

Who woulda thunk it??? May 2nd...and SNOW! Not just a flake or two, but full-on, constant-falling, making everything white and miserably cold, SNOW! We loaded up, I got increasingly grumpy and angry, all our fingers were frozen and the chihuahua looked pretty much like he wanted to die. When we were all finally loaded and ready to run for the warmth of the valley, my wonderful car wouldn't start. Fortunately, I have good friends and had someone to call who could tell me how to fix it in the middle of the forest. A quick trip to a gas station by my Ben, a little maneuver on the car, and we were off.

Long story short...we did it! And despite my raging, irrational behavior while packing in the wretched snow, the kids loved it...and are asking to go again. It was just us, in the woods, in the quiet, working together to "survive", and enjoying each other and accomplishing something. Granted, that "something" was merely 2 nights camping, but yet we did it...just us...together.

So, item one on the bucket list down...many, many to go! Next? Learning how to back up a trailer and taking the kids to California. Who knows? Maybe I will blog about it....

1 comment:

  1. I need a bucket list! I saw on facebook that you had a blog so I had to check it out :) Your boys are so handsome and I must say you look great too! Hmmm what to put on my bucket list.....
