Friday, June 11, 2010

Graduations, Promotions, or whatever...

Either way, they are moving up and moving on. Garrett had his 8th grade graduation on Wednesday night...I have a high school-er! How on earth did that happen? It truly seems like just yesterday he was tied up in tubes and wires in the NICU and now he's in high school. I expected to be emotional, and yet I wasn't so much. It's time, he's ready, and it's part of life. I was way more emotional at the freshman orientation at the high many memories! He has become such an amazing kid. He and I have had some of the most wonderful conversations this past week...conversations that I always hoped my kids would be willing to have with me and at the same time I've been terrified my kids would want to have with me! He is very insightful and is very open and open-minded while being grounded and makes good decisions. I am so incredibly blessed to be his mom. Congratulations Garrett :-)

Then on Thursday morning Wade had his kindergarten promotion. The school does such a cute job and it's always a wonderful little ceremony. Wade was ecstatic to sing his songs and just beams that little "Wade" smile every time he caught my eye. I never intended for him to start kindergarten when he did. I had always expected to wait until he was a year older especially since he misses the birthday cut-off. But, as we all know, life brings unexpected events and off to kinder he went. I am so proud of how well he did, how easily he figured things out, how well he made new friends, and how wonderfully he did regardless of the chaos that surrounds us. Again, seems like yesterday that I was literally shocked speechless and into tears, but darn I love that kid!

I can't negate the three in the middle. Everyone did fabulously...true warrior fashion! We made it through this year and we are armed and ready for the next. I will say, regardless of the horrors I lived through, I am so grateful that I lived them and had them for the sole fact that I have these 5 blessings to call me "mom". I simply have nothing else to say...I love you guys :-)


  1. You have got a good looking bunch of boys! Wow, a highschooler, I don't even want to think about that yet. You look happy!

  2. Those boys are taking good care of their Momma! They're all so sweet.

  3. Those boys are so handsome! What a great mom you are and I think you are doing a great job! Call me if you need any help this summer or if you want and IV kits!!!!!
