Sunday, June 1, 2008

Okay. So at least I gave a disclaimer in my first all have to admit I fairly warned everyone that it was entirely possible that I would completely stink at this. Unfortunately, I was right. I have received emails, gotten phone calls and have been approached in person regarding my absolute lack of blog maintenance. I apologize...honestly...I do. I want to be good at this and yet the absolute chaos and ridiculousness of my life somehow prevents it. I actually had one friend tell me that I am the worst blogger ever (you know who you are!) and sadly, she is right. She said that I have these five wonderful boys and I should blog to not only remember myself the memories I will ultimately forget, but to let others know as well. My answer--I don't blog BECAUSE I have five wonderful boys! If any of you could spend just one day...oh the realizations that would come upon you! Here is an example:

"Why?" you may ask. "Why is there a football in the toilet?" Exactly my point. Why? Yet what most of you may not understand is that there is no point to asking why. You will never get a real answer. Your curiosity as to why a football is in the toilet will never be fulfilled. I found this one evening as everyone was sleeping and I went in to clean the boys' bathroom. When I lifted the lid, this is what I found. I felt that this would just give a little example to what I see and do all the time. My life is basically filled with random footballs in toilets, if I may, and I have learned to not question, but rather remove said footballs, sanitize them as fully as possible and move on.

Now, I do feel that I deserve some credit for getting three posts on this blog so far. Regardless of the fact that it has taken 9 months to complete said posts, the spirit is know the rest! I have received some criticism as to the fact that the last pictures posted were that of my deformed son, so here is a recent picture to assure you all that the malformity has resolved and he again looks normal as possible at least!
I have so much more to say, so much has happened that I would love to tell, but I fear the shock of my actually posting may be too much for most of you to handle as it is so I will leave a few tidbits for future posts. Sadly, now that I have sat down and done a little, I am almost inspired to sit and do the rest now...almost!


  1. WOW Welcome BACK!!! I do check if one day i'll get inspired by our dear and humble ambernathy friends and We did! yahoo!! Good to see your son is back into good standings with that eye and your life looks normal! I would love to hear many more boy stories to really prepare my self for future years!! Please Please! Miss ya and see ya in aug!

  2. Yeah...she's alive...I guess we'll take ya to Mexico now...but it's a little to HOT now...Hope all is well!!!!!!!!!

  3. It is so FAB to see you back in blog action. I think my blog died. I haven't been able to get it all week. I am glad to see that the January picture won't be our last look into your life. C-Ya Tammi

  4. You are absolutely hysterical. I love that I'm not the only Mom who embraces the "sanitize it and move on" philiosophy. Oh, how many things that applies to.... :o) You're an awesome blogger. I hope you get the chance to do it more often. It is kind of therapeutic in its own way and it's so much fun for me to look at (what can I say, I have a selfish side).

  5. Hey, you have a blog! Fun!!! If only you would have told me.... :)
    I always say that as long as I am blogging I will always have more and more to blog about. SO much can happen when my kids go unsupervised while I write. :P I am excited to hear how your doing here, so keep writing!!!

  6. Hey, it was so great to see you at Camp Lomia. We're home now too and fun was had by all. Nice to get some girl time in as we both are surrounded by boys boys boys. Cute to see your handsome boys! Take care.

  7. It is so good to see your blog! I have been anxious to get in touch with you! If you get a sec (yeah right) email me! I would love to hear from ya! Also my blog, should you ever want to visit is
    Take care!

  8. Love the new update....hope to see you in Oct...adios

  9. Come on girl!!! Blog more. You are too funny to be silent for this long! :-) Love ya!


  10. I love the family pics. Thanks for gracing us with some blog action.


  11. What great family pictures!! You all look great! It's amazing to get a good family picture. Hope to run into ya again soon!
