Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And he shall be called "Stumpy"...

Okay. First, take a deep breath and prepare yourself to take your time and indulge in the post that will have to hold you for what will probably be another couple months if the past truly is an indicator of the future. Next, I would like to begin by saying that our family does occasionally function normally with little to no permanent damage. Unfortunately, I seem to only focus on the negative and love, apparently, to showcase the downside of life! With that said, I will preface the following story by stating that he is fine!
So, here's the story. Wade put his hand in a hand-held blender and turned it on. Yikes! I know! To top off the story, I wasn't even home...Garrett was babysitting. Quality parenting folks! I have to say, Garrett did a fantastic job of taking care of him and got him to the neighbor's pronto, who then met me at the fire station at the end of our road with Wade. Long story made really short, we got to the hospital, were admitted, and Wade had surgery by the hand surgeon the next day to fix some royally messed-up tendon in one finger. All fingers are still attached and should have normal function at some point.

So, is some comprehension occurring? My life is NOT NORMAL! The chaos is to the point of ridiculous! Sadly, I have taken to calling him "stumpy". I think it's funny. Even funnier, Wade will now ask me to hold his stump instead of calling it his hand...isn't that priceless?! And my somewhat warped sense of humor is a little bit enjoying the look on the snow birds' faces when they ask him what happened and he very politely and bluntly tells them he put it in a blender. You can't buy stories like this!

In addition, I have continued to get some not-nice comments about my horrible lack of blogging. The suggestion that I could print my blog at the end of every year and have a yearly momento makes me laugh a little...that would obviously be one very short book! I do enjoy putting the stories on screen...when I get to it, it just seems so hard to get to it! And now that I look back at my meager selection of posts, I notice a theme. I apparently only post during tragedy and stress. I am pretty sure, somehow, I am going to get a knock on the door from some random agency concerned for the welfare of my children.


  1. Good times or bad times, I love your stories and your positive outlook! You are terrific and your family reflects that. (I'm sure my kids would be telling everyone that a shark ate his/her hand off...hmm, I'd better not give them any ideas!)

  2. Well- you are making me laugh!! I only wish I had more of you and your family!!

  3. Holy Crap!! That is so crazy! I am so glad he is okay! And, well, you have a great outlook on it all! :)
